Barbara Ungepflegt
In track & field, the Viennese artist Barbara Ungepflegt, photographed by Peter M. Kubelka, presents herself in representative scenes of public appearance in London. As a flâneur of unexpected, expected adventures, Ungepflegt transforms herself in such an extreme way that she gives the impression of being Princess Diana reborn from death.
The artist approaches the glorification of the Princess of Wales in precisely designed sceneries which show the contradictory nature of a (double) existence and the fragility between self-perception and external perception. Paraphrasing the media reality of Diana Spencer, central questions of identity, construction and glorification are at the focus of this work, which is continuation of her previous art figure variations, such as the figure of the Federal Minister for Homeland Dirt and International Affairs or that of the office assistant Babi K..
Location: Neuer Kunstverein, Rennweg 110, 1030 Vienna
Date and time:
May 11th-14th.
Thursday 13:00 – 22:00
Friday – Sunday 13:00 – 20:00

Performativer Walk
Der öffentliche Raum bietet ungeahnte Möglichkeiten. Die Studierenden des Universitätslehrgangs für angewandte Dramaturgie bewegen sich in einer Verschränkung ihrer Positionen – ästhetische Konstruktion und Realität – durch Wien, wobei die Projekte, Perle um Perle eine dramaturgische Gesamtkomposition ergeben. Eintritt frei!
Beginn: mdW, Anton von Webern Platz 1, 1030 Wien
Ende: Blumenkraft, Schleifmühlgasse 4, 1040 Wien
Datum: Samstag, 30.09.2023 von 12:30 – 15:00